Overthrowing Satanic Powers By Divine Mercy.

Overthrowing Satanic Powers By Divine Mercy (Psalms 136).
1. I Thank You, Father for the provision of Your Divine Mercy for my life and destiny.
2. I take spiritual authority over satanic powers and personalities sent into my life and destiny in Jesus name.
3. Lord, let every power sitting upon my throne of prophecy be dethroned now in Jesus name.
4. Lord, as you stopped the way against Pharaoh when he was pursuing the Children of Israel; I pray, let the way be stopped against every evil, wicked and satanic personality pursuing me, my family, business, finances and destiny in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
5. As the Lord dethroned Pharaoh from his throne, I command: let the dethroning angels dethrone every Pharaoh personality set against my life, prophecy and destiny in Jesus name.
6. Lord, by the power and fire of the Holy Spirit, I command total destruction of Satanic altars and thrones set against my prophecies and destiny in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
7. Father, I thank You for answers prayers in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. (Jeremiah 33:3)